In The Stillness of The Silence

You’ll Discover Who You Are

Hi, I’m Megan

Welcome to my community…

Health and spirituality have fascinated me since I was a teenager and in 1987 yoga dropped into my stratosphere and through the medium of teaching the pathway to health, healing and happiness opened up. 

By the time I found yoga, I was a Muma to a very lively two year old boy, Max, and my heart space was full.

As I practised change happened and they were big changes. The simple act of quietly turning up and facing myself, each day or week, showed me parts of myself that had been hidden in plain view. Yoga enabled me to find harmony and balance which began to permeate my life. 

I completed my first teaching qualification in 1990, only weeks before my daughter , Alison, was born. And well the rest is history and evident in my teachings and the pages of this website.

Please explore and enjoy my offerings.

Om satyam, Megan xxx

What you’ll find with Megan…

Classical yoga, slow flow linked with breath and restorative yoga are my go to modalities. Classes incorporate beginner level through to advanced practice and since 2017, I have been sharing teacher training. My teachings include deep relaxation and meditation techniques that can be tailored to individual needs.

I have a complementary therapies practice offering Yoga 1:1, Psych-K®️, massage, aromatherapy, energy healing and lifestyle coaching to assist your journey to recover, relax and find the peace you need.

My online platform incorporates a host of options, weekly Livestream classes, over 100 x On Demand classes available 24/7 and One to One sessions for Psych-K®️, Yoga coaching and mentoring.

As a Doula I have supported many families through the sometimes jungle of options and hurdles as you wind your way to the birth of your little one. In my experience an undisturbed birth gives you and your baby the best start to life. If you’re having your first baby or your fifth, please call and lets chat about the best pathway for you.

My promise is to support you as you find your way to your best life, no matter what you choose, I’m with YOU.

Mjx 🥰